Die Seite rund um die US-Army Berlin Brigade
Unter dem Titel „Wie aus Feinden Freunde wurden“ erzählt das AlliiertenMuseum eine außergewöhnliche Geschichte voller Spannung und Dramatik. Sie beginnt mit der Niederlage der Deutschen im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
The Berlin Observer- "Another issue hits the streets." This saying has been echoed by countless Army journalists in Berlin. Even as far back as 1945. This year marks the 68th anniversary of the "Observer", and looking back, many styles and formats have changed since the first issue, Dated July 28th, 1945, was published. Volume 1, Number 1 was a one-page affair that boasted one picture. Published by the Group Control Council, the information sheet was appropriately titled "The Grooper". Army journalists back then had to scrounge anything from pencils to printing paper as they collected news in war-torn Berlin. But the deadlines were met and soon "The Grooper" grew to a four-page paper, and with the redesignation of the Group Control Council to the Office of Military Government of the United States, the paper was renamed the "OMGUS Observer" April 12, 1946. When OMGUS and the Berlin District consolidated, it became the "Berlin Observer" on November 15, 1946. Never all things to all people, theberlinobserver.com follows tradition by giving an account of American Military activities in the Divided City.
Private Seite zur US Army Europe (Germany) von Walter Elkins. Sehr Informativ!
Der Verein United States Military Vehicle Collectors Berlin e.V. wurde am 8. Mai 2003 auf dem ehemaligen Gelände der McNair Barracks in Berlin gegründet.
Die Initiatoren des USMVC-Berlin - Frank & Susanne Heyn - haben bereits seit Mitte der 80er Jahre eine umfangreiche Sammlung an Fahrzeugen, Uniformen und Gebrauchsgegenständen zusammengetragen. Die Unterstützung von Museen, Ausstellungen und Filmproduktionen mit Tausenden verschiedenen Originalexponaten sowie Infoveranstaltungen in Schulen ist ihnen ein Anliegen.
The Berlin US Military Veterans Association offers an opportunity to all those US Military and US Government Civilians of all ranks and services who served in Berlin to rediscover old friends and former comrades in arms. The experiences, friendships and camaraderie garnered from our Berlin service linger in our memories. To keep these memories ever strong and alive, we dedicate this website.
"This page is dedicated to Turner Tankers"
This unit was the only American Armor unit located 110 miles behind the iron curtain
Alumni Association - "We spent our entire childhoods in the service of our country, and no one even knew we were there." - Pat Conroy